Chinese knew their marketing 101. If the American's would buy a
Semi-auto Kalishinkov, they
with 3 magazines, another included accessory in the box was a
bayonet. There were 4 different types of bayonets imported.
would most surely load up on accessories
to go along with it.
Drum magazines,are readily identifiable by the wind up mechanism
on the rear, and the ability to open for loading. Pictured is the
75 round left, and the 100 round version right
least encountered type. This type is very rare, patterned after
the European shoulder pouches this type held 5 magazine, oil bottle,
and cleaning kit. There is also loops on the reverse side for belt
standard "red" and "black" bayonets. These are
pretty much the most common encountered bayonets. Pictured below
is the most rare. It is a Chinese manufactured "wire cutter"
fourth variant is pictured below. It is a copy of the Russian Type
I bayonet, and was supplied with Poly Tech Legends, and some Poly
Tech stamped rifles.
another type, was more intended for the SKS, but popular with the
AK crowd as well. This type held stripper clips.
Another popular type accessory
was the chest, magazine pouches.
Below is the standard 3 magazine
chest pouch, with extra pouches for oil bottle, cleaning kit,
stripper clip guide, etc
pouch was made for the drum type magazines, specimen pictured is
the type for the 75 round drum